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A member registered Oct 08, 2019

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I've seen people take a OPD and build out a more complete dungeon adventure in something like the Homebrewery or DM Binder.

Having the room descriptions be available in a useful  text format would save a lot of tedious retyping.

Even if the room descriptions were made selectable text (like title and story are), it would still entail a lot of repetitive copy/pasting.

Suggestion: export as markdown

## Pyramid of Barhogazu

Since the fall of Barhogazu the pyramid has changed hands many times. Recently it was squatted by a band of bandits.

### Room 1

A massive stone double door to the north.

### Room 2

A dying dwarf, gems among his belongings.


I found the reference for forestry rings, and it includes academic references. Offered here more out of joy of knowledge than any expectations. It's a fascinating read.

Lovely. Could you add a third mode to the hex alignment so we can have vertical hexes, not just horizontal hexes (and tilted hexes)?

Forestry management was a big thing back in the day, mostly in the form of pollarding and coppicing (not so much wholesale replantation).

What I meant by "rings" though might not have been clear – not an actual contiguous ring encircling, but rather woodlands that are a particular distance from the city. Forestry, like other agricultural efforts, naturally settled into areas a particular distance according to (mostly) consequences of travel and transport time: soft delicate vegetables & fuit nearest, forestry (frequent firewood needs mean closer), easily transported agriculture (grains, infrequent transport), and finally agricultural product that come equipped with their own 4 legs furthest away.

I don't actually recall just how far these distances were, so quite possibly further away than what MFCG maps. All good.

Not sure where I read it, but (IIRC) medieval towns had not just farmfields surrounding them but also a ring of cultivated forest. These were not wild woodlands, but careful agricultural efforts, with trees typically being regularly coppiced. These plantations were a source of wood as materials (poles etc), and also firewood (which any medieval town would need a lot of).

Would you be interested in adding foresty rings as an option (i.e. along side of farm fields)? Visually I guess they'd be depicted as a dot filled ring section, as well as lots of dotted boundaries to rural roads/fields.

Does the terrain restrict the population range? I saw a terrain I wanted but the village was too small so I hit Shift-Enter (repeatedly) ... and the population stayed too small.

Is there a chance for the village to be located at the intersection of two or three main roads .. seems all the ones I see are plonked on an existing main road only. Intersections are important places.

Could you add generator options such as population and booleans for river and coast?  That way I can quickly generate to meet a specific need (e.g. village of 320 pop, has a river, does not have a coast).

Neato update. Could also rando the river crossing, with options of bridge, ferry, and ford. Bigger villages more likely to have a bridge.

Well, a "trade road" is a significant resource (a source of passing traffic), so we're both correct.

Really appreciate the inclusion of the population count in the legend. I often need a map for a village of a known size, and this is helpful.

Additionally, they also tend to cluster around a significant resource - perhaps the big house of the founder, or a natural well, or (later) a church or other fortification. Perhaps take a melded approach - generate the minimal population founding settlement (by one set of rules), then expand on that with some organic (different) rules.

Looking at a few on google maps with satellite view, I see two common patterns: the ring wall with centrally isolated keep, and a ring wall with many buildings barnacled on the interior surrounding an open space.

The open space was usually used to marshall troops, or for huddled masses of refugees (e.g. all the rich bastards from city).

When it generates a map with a citadel, it is of a general size on the map (depending on small/medium/large) .. does the ruler scale make sense for that citadel, or is it suggesting that the citadel is massively huge or ridiculously tiny  For example, according to Google Maps, Windsor Castle is about 450m end to end, Chepstow Castle is about 200m, and Dover Castle is about 100m (inner walls, or just 30m if measuring just the keep itself).

For small towns, the citadel building appears to be about 75m; medium towns have citadel castles of ~100m; and large towns have castles of about the same size. These are on the strangely large side.